Saturday, August 4, 2007

Sex is funny....

I randomly happened onto's sex advice "sex"tion of their website. Being the curious teenager that I am I decided to read a little bit of what they had to say. All I have to say is that I read some of the funniest letters that I've ever read in my life. Heres an example (it appears courtest of,Ok here's the deal. My girlfriend and I were partaking in a night of sexual pleasures and you know, sometimes it gets pretty crazy. Well she was on top and, she went up a little too far (I guess she didn't realize my cock isn't a foot high). Well when she came down things didn't line up. When she came down I felt something pop and tremendous pain. So I waited a few seconds and everything was fine so we finished the deed and laid back to enjoy ourselves then when I turned on the light I realized blood...all over. On me, on her and on the sheets. Then when I peed a blood clot came out and then everything looked fine... Now here's the question. Do you think everything is fine down there? Should I get it checked out? Brad Ohh. That's probably one of the worst mishaps one can make while going at it frantically. It's happened to me once or twice (though not as severe it seems), and I still have nightmares (Women, take your finger, and pretend its 1000 times more sensitive for a moment. Now, point it straight up to the sky. With your other hand, grab the nearest big ass gnarly hammer you can find and smash down on the tip of your finger really hard like you are hitting a nail. This is as close as you can get to experiencing the pain of what poor Brad just described. You could also point your finger straight out in front of you and run really fast into a cinder block wall, though that would look simply ridiculous). Well, because it's been while since I received your email Brad, I would imagine that either, (a) your now broken unit withered and fell off, or (b) you eventually went to see a dick doctor (hopefully). Most likely you ruptured a bunch of important vessels and other penis functuary (yes functuary) things inside that shaft of yours, and they need to be fixed rather than letting them fix themselves (possibly causing permanent damage [i.e. Dear Marko, I can't get it up anymore], though I am no brain surgeon [pun, yes]). Hey Brad, I shot blood out my dick, do you think I should go see a doctor? Sounds pretty silly doesn't it. I'd go with the instincts Brad, as you seem like a pretty intelligent fellow. On a side note: Women, most guys dicks aren't "a foot high" as Brad put it (bless you if you've found one), and it hurts a lot when they get "compound fractured" so try to be more careful (i.e. keep it inside) when you are on top. Guys, you should know your limitations. If you pull out too far when you are on top and jam the tip into that pocket between her stuff and her inner thigh, it's your own damn fault for thinking you had more length than you actually do. Markoso yeah, that made me laugh harder than I have laughed in a long time. Someone forgot to send me a letter last night (hint hint, you know who you are). Anyhoo I stepped in dog piss so I'm going to go and take a shower, I'll probably write more later. XXX death before dihonor XXX James I'm going to kill you and then, when you're dead, I'm going to kill you again just to make sure!!!

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