Monday, July 9, 2007

A random "Fuck You!"

html>I recently received a letter addressed to "Sorrow" it was very straight forward and to the point: Dear Sorrow:After meeting you all I have to say is this, FUCK YOU! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A STUPID FUCK! I HOPE YOUR PUNK ASS GETS SHOT AND THAT YOU DIE A LONG SLOW FUCKED UP DEATH, FUCK YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!!Sincerely,A person that wishes death on you and yours!I found that letter to be somewhat bizzare since I don't really know who sent the letter and honestly I don't want to know. hmmmm, oh well.[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<br.~sorrow~>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]html><body><font size="+2" color="#ff80ff" face="Chiller">I recently received a letter addressed to "Sorrow" it was very straight forward and to the point:<br><br> Dear Sorrow:<br>After meeting you all I have to say is this, <B>FUCK YOU! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A STUPID FUCK! I HOPE YOUR PUNK ASS GETS SHOT AND THAT YOU DIE A LONG SLOW FUCKED UP DEATH, FUCK YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!!</b><BR>Sincerely,<br>A person that wishes death on you and yours!<br><br>I found that letter to be somewhat bizzare since I don't really know who sent the letter and honestly I don't want to know. hmmmm, oh well.<br><br><br.~sorrow~</font></body></html>


abouotracle22yahoocom said...

considering that the person who sent that letter has the maturity level of a 2 year old? i would say that whoever it was doesnt even deserve to be posted about. bt it was and now people know that person is a jerk jerk h\jerk and if i knew them iwoudbreak their legs personally since i so dang tough. see you at tom micah. we will hae alot of fun<3jess

artmakres2080 said...

Hey, thats not cool!