Sunday, June 24, 2007

Fuck Sacto Kids...

I use the term loosely, of course, (see title) but I fucking hate some of those kids. Tonight I was at a show in sacto at Mike Hoods place and the show went sour.My friend from out of town was there dancing it and just totally having a good time. Some dick faced jack ass decided that she was "making fun of the way that his friends dance." I've been at almost every show that she's been at down her and she dances the same way every fuckin' time. Then, the guy tried to hit her whenever he danced in her direction, which only complicated things more. She stood up for herself and things just blew up. I hate that guy and all of his friends. They didn't hurt her at all, but that's not the point, he would have if he could have. If you have to beat up a girl to feel tough, or like you have a big dick or something, fuck you. I so wish that he wasn't a sacto kid, hell I lost so much respect for all of all of the kids out there. It's like they hate white pride and all that but they're totally down for beating up girls, fuck that. I don't care how deep they're roots are or how deep they go, they need to learn to respect women and kid's that are just trying to have a good time. That's all I have to say.~sorrow~


bellexinakaryahoocom said...

I think you have good reason to say that this macho guy is an asshole and such for the way he acted. And yes, people should have equal respect for children and women, but perhaps it wasn't an act of sexism. I mean, if people are allowed to act rude towards men, but not towards women, that is sexual discrimination. I am by no means defending this guy, because what he did was obviously rude and probably hurtful (emotionally, and possibly physically), and people should be kind towards one another. But we shouldn't react to a situation based on gender.

instrnmeatul87 said...

Hey,I guess you need a little more info as to what was going on the last night. I wasn't trying to be sexist, I was just upset over the fact that he had so little respect for an outsider that he would look for a bullshit reason to hurt that person. I mean seriously, who did she hurt by dancing? Nobody! What if she was imitating the way that his friend dances? Who cares, he looked funny the when he danced. His friend thought that it was funny anyways so he really had no justification for his actions. Then he tried to say that the whole show was ruined because of what she did, but nothing would have happened if he would've been more accepting of an outsider. SO I say fuck him, I hope he gets his teeth beat out with a flashlight.~sorrow~