Friday, June 22, 2007

OK, so girls aren't so dumb, they just need a lot of help...

[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<body [...] text"">') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]<html><BODY BACKGROUND="" BGCOLOR="#000000" TEXT"" LINK="#0080ff" VLINK="#0080ff" ALINK="#0080ff"><font size="+2" color="#ff80ff" face="Chiller">Hey Hey,<br><br> I'm sure that you are wondering what is going on with the whole letter thing and all that. I guess I should probably give <b>my side of the story</b> so that you have both sides to compare before you make a decision as to what's going on here. Before I do that, I just want to say that I'm very excited about this weekend because I'm going down to Ventura to visit my friends and attend Jess' prom. Anyhoo and without any further ado, here is my side of what's going on...<br><br> <b>OK</B>, so her first issue is she feels like I am constantly trying to impress her, or "win her over." To that I say, <b>bullshit</b>, I am just being myself and treating her like a lady deserves to be treated, with respect. First of all, what's wrong with trying to impress a girl. Most girls want to be impressed, maybe not ton's but at least a little bit. I will admit that I was trying to impress her when I tried to go vegetarian and failed miserably, but other than that <b>I was just being myself with her</b>. Alll I want to be with her is good friends, don't get me wrong, if in the future she wanted to hook up I wouldn't say "no."<br><br> This statement really bothers me, <b>"i really enjoy being with you when you're just being yourself -- that's why i wanted to be your friend in the first place: because of who you were, not what you do or who you know."</b> All that I've ever been since I met her was myself, I've shown her all my quirks and oddities (trust me I have lot's of them.) So I did what I thought was right, was myself, only to be told that <b>I was wrong</b>.<br><br> She says that I have a tendency to exaggerate, I say who doesn't. If you can tell me that you have <b>never, ever, ever</b> in your life exaggerated a story when you told it because you were excited, because it just slipped out and you were so caught up in the moment that you didn't take the time to correct your mistake. <B>thank you!!!</b> I rest my case, at least for this portion of my response.<br><br> All I have to say about the, "one-upping," trying to be, "better," or "competetive" was <u>totally misunderstood</u>. When we first started talking I tried to explain to her that I have a really bad sense of humor and in having that bad sense of humor I do things like argue for no reason. I thought that she understood that I was only fooling around. I didn't know that she would misunderstand my foolish attempts to be funny. I'm a dick sometimes I know, but in no way was I attempting to "compete" with her, ever. <b>I care about her</b> tooooooo much.<br><br> I guess I should sum this poor attempt to defend myself up with this, I really <b>respect</b> her for being honest with me and for having the balls to say it the way she did. My goal for this relationship was to have a fantastic friendship, I never planned for it to get <b>screwed</b> up due to honesty. Like I mentioned in my previous entry, I've been nothing but honest, straightforward, and caring. Now I'm the one that's distant because I feel to awkward to talk to her. I call her everyday only to hang up if someone answers. I feel like a jerk because <b><u>I'm to much of a chickenshit</u></b> to do anything about it. I wish that I could just talk to her but I turn into this moronic, scared person that's to afraid to fix his problems by talking to the one person in the whole world that matters to me right now...<br><br> In light of all that, I've managed to re-meet the most fantastic girl but that's all I'm going to say because I know that it will leave you in <u>suspense</u>.......<br><br>~Sorrow~</font></BODY></HTML>


yellojellocomics734yahoocom said...

I love you Micah!!!!!!!!!!

upsta1rtrofshinking said...

haha suspense yeah right! of course i know who it is but don't worry i wont' say. she is brave for speaking her mind but it sounds like things are working out. that's good. talk to you later and have fun in ventura.