Friday, June 15, 2007

I love the way that girls look at you with that little inquisitive look that makes you smile...

OK well I have not written in here for days upon days, partially because I have been travelling and working so much that I have not been able to find the time to do anything important. OK well let me just start out by saying that I am sooooo emphatuated (sorry I can't spell I'm so happy) with this girl that I feel like a little kid who has just found a treasure and doesn't know what to do with it so he just laughs and smiles and gets all giddy whenever he thinks of that treasure/person I don't think that I have ever been so excited to be attracted to a girl in my life It's kind of funny how I met her and the lame line I used to start the conversation but who care's she talks to me so I'm excited and happy and I just can't get her out of my head This girl has litterally turned my world upside down I'm not going to get my hopes up because if I do and she ends up not having the same feelings that I have for her after we get to know eachother because if/when that happens I'll be heartbroken So if I don't get my hopes up then the hurt of rejection won't be so bad. On a lighter not me and my friend had a really funny conversation about how we are going to start a militant straightedge crew for pimpin' guys that don't get any We've laughed about that for a good three hours now and we are still finding amusement over it I'm sure by now that your have figured out by now that I am no longer depressed or wanting to die I guess that's a good thing A good friend of mine has returned for a couple of days from far away I have not seen her in a while but I'm happy that she was able to spend the weekend with us It's to bad that she has to return to where she came from today I'm sad about that but I'm happy to because she is doing well and getting educated so I'm happy Well I must be going now since I'm not at home if I have time I will update you later on today but don't count on it.-Sorrow-

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